Before Surgery

Drop-off time at the clinic is 7:15 AM for CATS and 8:00 AM for DOGS.

Pick-up time for DOGS is 4:00 PM the day of surgery.

Pick-up for CATS is 7:00 AM the morning following surgery, with the exception of Friday. On Friday, CATS will be released at 4:30 PM the same day.

We are, at times, able to alter this schedule to a limited degree, but prior arrangements must be made. Please discuss this with us at the time of scheduling. If prior arrangements are not made and you are late to pick up your animal, there is a $10 an hour kennel fee.


  • Food for Cats and Dogs: Do not give your cat or dog any food after midnight the night before surgery; but do allow access to water. Make sure that your cat or dog is kept confined (or inside) to ensure that it does not eat anything! If there is a possibility that your animal has eaten, please let us know when you check your animal in.
  • If you pet is showing any signs of illness the day before surgery, please call us to discuss.


    • All cats must come in an individual carrier, with newspaper or a towel. Cardboard carriers may be purchased for $5 at the clinic.
    • Feral cats must be brought in a humane trap that is covered with a sheet or towel. Traps are available for rent from IHA. There is a $50 returnable deposit fee per trap. More information is available on our Community Cat page.
    • All dogs must be on a leash or in a carrier.