Mission and Values

dog-and-catMillions of adoptable pets enter US animal shelters every year, and free-roaming cat populations are growing exponentially in both urban and rural communities. Despite the tireless efforts of municipal shelters, humane societies, rescue groups and volunteers, euthanasia remains the principal means for controlling pet overpopulation.

Our goal is to change that through innovative programming that will decrease the number of animals entering our shelters. Our first priority is providing access to affordable options to help Iowans get their companion animals spayed and neutered, preventing litters of unwanted kittens and puppies that flood area animal shelters each year. After several years of fund-raising and planning, on January 14, 2013, we opened the Iowa Humane Alliance Regional Spay/Neuter Clinic in Cedar Rapids. We are Iowa’s first non-profit, high-quality, high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter clinic operating on a daily basis.

Our volunteer Community Cat Team assists individuals and communities  with trap/neuter/return programs to prevent further litters being born to the feral and stray cats living in our communities and on rural properties. For more information visit our Community Cat page.

We work with our shelter and rescue organization partners by providing access to quality, low-cost spay/neuter services and by organizing events to help increase their adoption rates.

Mission – Vision – Values

Our Mission

The mission of Iowa Humane Alliance is to forge partnerships and develop programs to reduce animal shelter admissions and end euthanasia as a form of population control.

Our Vision

We envision a state where all companion animals have safe long-term homes, where feral cats are valued and protected, and where euthanasia is no longer used as a form of population control.